Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Several times a week interns, residents, and supervisors sit together in a little 11 person circle.  And in that circle we share things close to our hearts.  An encounter with a patient that mystified us or made us proud.  A trauma call that upset us.  A coworker's behavior that challenges us.  A verbatim that reveals "a deeper layer of emotion."  An idea we have been wrestling with.   Anything.  There is usually laughter, usually tears.  And always the struggle to trust and lean and be vulnerable.  When we do take the risk we have been asked "do you feel the group holding you right now?"  I do!  What a gift to be held by others- in their emotions, attention, care and support.  Thank you little circle!

Yet I am always with you;  you hold me by my right hand.  You guide me with your counsel,  and afterward you will take me into glory.  Psalms 73:23, 24 NIV

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