Monday, July 6, 2009

trauma bay "I told you's.....

Parents want to protect their kids.  We spend half our lives saying things like "Don't run with scissors, chew your food, be careful with that knife, don't touch the stove...."   
Trauma Bay parents said the same things.  "Drive slowly, be careful with those fireworks, make sure there is a lifeguard there, wear a helmet...." 
And yet, despite all their wisdom and guidance and warning, here they are.  Sitting in an emergency waiting room hoping against hope that their child will be ok.  One mom said to me "I told him to be careful THIS AFTERNOON."
Here is our big moment as parents.  To say "I told you so!  Why didn't you listen to me?  I was right!" But instead of victory there is agony. We wish we could take your pain, we wish we could have prevented this, we wish you would have listened, we wish this didn't happen.

Oh Jerusalem, how often I have longed to gather you under my wings as a hen protects her children but you would not let me.   Matthew 23:37

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