One of our assignments this week was to shadow another resident. During their visit with a patient we were to observe them and later, in class, tell them the image that came to our mind as we watched them minister. This was a bit nerve racking, but very interesting. We shared images of a courageous lion, a calm, refreshing pool and a family butler.
Cathie observed me. I loved the image she came up with. And now have a new ideal with which to strive for! Here is part of her observation.
Chaplain Miller reminds me of a sculptor becasue she has the tendency to touch patients. Chaplain Miller is a very tactile person. Being in a personal space using hands, eye contact with a slow communicating voice to engage the patient and nodding at times, is much like sculpting. It is not so much of a totally hands on sculpting but a type of a social sculpting with a person using her language and thought to move a person from the pain or discomfort that consumes them as they lay alone in their rooms. Chaplain holds their stories as a scultptor hold clay and instrument to carve. The scultptor sits with the story as the sculptor sits to carve. Like Michealango said of David, "David was already in the stone. I just had to carve him out." So does Chaplain Miller as she carves out the discomfort and pain to bring some healing and comfort to patients.
Thanks for seeing that in me Cathie. I will think of that image as I walk into people's rooms, and try to do just that.
Yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8
this is so fitting! thanks for posting it - i'm inspired!