Sunday, April 24, 2011

even for me

If God is incarnate in ordinary life then we should see God, first of all, within ordinary life.  Too often, even though we know this theoretically, practically we still look for God in the extraordinary... do you want to see a vision?  Get up and watch the sun rise."  

Ronald Rolheiser, This Holy Longing: The Search for a Christian Spirituality

I was ready for a vision.  So, for Easter morning, I took my boys to their first sunrise service.  We drove in the dark to Warren Wilson college.  We huddled on a bench in a beautiful garden.  We participated in the joyful, thoughtful, interactive program that my friend Leah lead out in.

I read Rolheiser's words on the bulletin's that were passed out.  I watched the sky turn warm and pink.  I heard the morning birds chirping to each other.  I felt the two cozy bodies of my boys pressed close on either side of me.  I smelled roses and wet grass.  I chanted "Christ is risen indeed!  Alleluia!" over and over with every one around me.  My heart swelled with contentment and pleasure.

Then we were called to stand in a circle and break the communion bread together and partake.  And I froze.  For two months I have been been gluten free.  No sandwiches.  No donuts.  No wheat pasta.  No more hives or migraines or arthritis or allergies or sluggishness.  YEAH!  But I never considered that the "no's" included participating in communion.  The circle suddenly felt exclusive of someone like me.  How would I unobtrusively take a pass?

Leah held up the round loaf of bread.  She repeated those beautiful words from scripture.  "This is My body, broken for you...." and she tore the loaf in half.  She handed one half to the people on either side of her, to tear off a piece and pass it on.  And then, as an after thought, she added "oh - the students made this communion loaf gluten free."

And in that moment, it seemed very symbolic to me.  "This is My body, broken....yes, even for you."

38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Not life altering choices, or ground shaking doubts or gluten intolerence....  neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38, 39


  1. I love those gluten free bakers!!!

  2. oh--I'm so glad you wrote about this. I made that bread, and it makes me incredibly happy when I can offer that.

  3. Rachel! Hi! I didn't know you would read this! You blessed me with your cooking. Thank you so much! Erin

  4. I would one day very much like to take communion with you using glutton free bacon bread. Glad to hear your headaches are much better. Miss my yaars.
