Saturday, October 16, 2010


We were watching our kids trick or treat when my sister-in-law chose a snickers bar from her daughter's bag.  "I have to make sure it isn't poisonous!" she explained chewing.  "Nope, you're safe."

 "You're out.  You're safe" were the constant calls ringing in the air from the dodge ball game next to my car in the school yard.

A school bus flashed it's red lights in front of me.  The girl getting out was timid to cross the street until the bus driver yelled "Go.  You are safe."

 And then I sat by a bed today and watched a woman dying.  Her skin was changing color.  Her breathing was labored and erratic.  Her family surrounded her bed.  "She was never without her Bible, " her son told me.  "She and the Lord was close."  "What was her favorite verse?" I asked, thinking I could read it out loud.  "She liked all of them."  he replied.

I leaned close to pray for her.  And then the phrase I had heard all day suddenly seemed so appropriate. Because we are giving her up.  To God the Restorer, the Umpire, the Crossing Guard.   "You are safe Betty.  You are safe.  You are safe.  You are safe."

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe.  Psalm 4:8 NLT


  1. I love it. Such a good snippet chaplain story.

  2. awwww, I love it.....and those are the words I want to hear when I am breathing my last!
