Saturday, January 1, 2011


I love the movie My Life In Ruins. Because it is inspiring to watch Georgia find her kefi  
(passion, joy, spirit)  and become a better version of herself. Because it is fun seeing the
 beauty of Greece and knowing I've been there.  OK, mostly because of the amazing 
transformation of Poupi from hairball to hunkalicious. 

But there is a line in that movie that really hit me.  It's when the wise Irv tells Georgia  
"You're looking for obstacles rather than looking for magic."

You are looking for obstacles rather than looking for magic.  Hhmmm.

That phrase has formed my one new year's resolution for 2011.  I am going to look for magic
instead of obstacles.   In my parenting,  at work, with my time and my health, with my
husband and family and friends, through the blessings and the challenges we face.  I'm going to stop looking wistfully at perfect and start enjoying the wonderful.  I'm planning on 
loading up on the kefi.  I'm going to look for magic!