Tuesday, March 21, 2017

pink plastic spoons

My fantasy job involves ice cream.   I think about how fun it would be to work at TCBY.  Handing out samples of new flavors, adding toppings, watching the simple joy that a refreshing dessert brings.

I thought about that today.  It was a day of repairs.  Taking out the trash, weeding the yard and an hour in the dentist chair filling a cavity.  Too much dreaming about ice cream!

Phillip Yancy in his book Vanishing Grace  takes my day of repairs and my day dreams and gives them a spiritual direction.

"By living out lives of grace in a spoiled environment, we point forward to a time of restoration.  One Harlem preacher likens us to the pink plastic spoons at Baskin Robbins: we give the world a foretaste of what lies ahead, the vision of the biblical prophets.  In a world gone astray we should be actively demonstrating here and now God's will for the planet."

1 comment:

  1. Love the connection! Kinda like "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down", even if it is no sugar added strawberry yogurt topped with fresh fruit, like we had today, it soothed the hot weather, the tiredness, and provided a pause to appreciate the moment!!
