Monday, February 20, 2012


One of the things I like best about Hospice is the concept of comfort measures.  Often, at the end of life, we aren't trying to fix or change or start something new.  We are just trying to make our patients comfortable.  
Sometimes that means a Social Worker helping you get finances in order, or make funeral plans.  Maybe it is a CNA coming to bath you and wash your hair.  Sometimes what is comforting is a Chaplain reading Psalms to you and holding your hands while they pray for you.  Sometimes it means Doctors and Nurses giving you good, strong drugs.  Comfort measure can be anything, from a back rub, a change in position, to a warm blanket or a cold popsicle.  Anything to get your brow unfurrowed, your breathing regular.  Anything to soothe and to give you some peace.

I got to be a part of this today.  Standing beside a patient's bed.  She was restless and moaning.  I watched our nurse put a cold washcloth on her head, give her medicine, hold her hand.  I rubbed her leg and spoke in soothing mommy tones.  And she changed.  She became calm.  She relaxed.  And then she fell asleep.  We had made her comfortable.  What a privilege.

When I looked up comfort measure online I found this wonderful etymology.  Comfort is from the Latin com meaning together and fortis meaning strong.  Together + strong = comfort.  I love that!  

Macaroni and cheese and chicken soup are comfort foods.  But who wants to eat them alone?  They are comforting because your mom makes it for you after a hard day, or a friend brings it over when you are sick.  Together + strong = comfort.

My son stood next to my bed the other night, announcing that he'd had a bad dream.  "Do you want to talk about it?"  I asked.  "No, I just want to be near you."  he said.  Together + strong = comfort.

It seems a little too simple.  Holding my husband's hand, hearing my mom's voice on the phone, getting a text from a friend = comfort.  Standing beside someone, touching them, talking to them, listening, caring.  Together + Strong.  Anyone can offer comfort measures at anytime.  After being reminded of how basic it is I want to comfort more and better.  And enjoy it more when I receive it.

I like this verse from 2 Corinthians that talks about a "near us" God and the circle of comfort.
       4 God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.  2 Corinthians 1:4  NLT

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