Saturday, December 18, 2010

a hard battle

Plato once said  "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

I've been repeating that to myself.  When someone cuts me off in traffic, or snaps at me from behind a desk, or walks ahead of me with slumped shoulders.

"Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."  The older I get, the more I believe it.  Working with hospice opens my eyes to the reality that people die all the time.  Age and sickness take their tolls.  Every day families are gearing up to say their last goodbyes, or unexpectedly saying goodbye, or reeling from saying goodbye.

Out of hospice life is hard too.  You just don't have a trained team anticipating your potential needs.  No nurse IVing your pain away. No social worker arranging for resources.  No chaplain checking your spiritual reservoirs.  Just the words "one day at a time" or "one foot in front of the other" as you trudge through.

I think of the hard battles my loved ones are fighting quietly.  Waiting for a diagnosis.  Hoping for a job.  Struggling with a marriage.  Trying to move on.  Be kind to them please, even if you have no idea why their eyes are sad.  Hopefully, a little kindness will help in some victory.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.  Ephesians 4:32

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